Sunday, December 20, 2009

Time Well-Spent - February 2009

Kayla had always wanted a puppy. When she was three, she preferred stuffed animals (usually dogs) over the baby dolls most of the other girls her age enjoyed. As a six-year-old, the newly-reading Kayla chose books about dogs instead of the popular books in her age range. Now that Kayla was eleven, the desire to have a dog of her own was just as strong as ever. Kayla had begged her parents for years to allow her to get a dog. They always told her the same thing. “As soon as you can demonstrate the responsibility and knowledge that is necessary to be a pet-owner, we’ll consider getting you a pet,” they would say.
One day, Kayla’s neighbor, Mrs. Tyler, rang the doorbell. Mrs. Tyler explained that she would be going on vacation. “Would you be able to watch my dog for me?” she asked. Excited, Kayla hurried to ask her parents. For one week, Kayla gave Mrs. Tyler’s dog food and water, walked her, and brushed her. When Mrs. Tyler returned, she was pleased with the care her dog had received and recommended Kayla’s services to all her friends. As a result, Kayla gained more business. In addition, Kayla had been given several books on dogs and dog care and was studying them with great interest. For every book she read, Kayla took notes. Every time she went somewhere for a job, she would ask the owner questions about dog care. Kayla now had three dogs to walk, several books to read, and papers full of information from books and friends on everything from what dogs eat to how long they live to how to teach a dog to sit to, well, you get the picture.
At last, Kayla brought home her very own dog. She was ready! Dog-walking gave her the responsibility she needed to become a pet owner. Studying gave her the knowledge necessary to care for a dog. Never for one minute did she regret the time she had spent working and studying. Now she was excellently prepared to take on training and caring for her new pet.
No matter what we’re waiting for, we can busy ourselves while wait. Ephesians 5:15-16 says: “Therefore be careful how you walk, not as unwise men but as wise, making the most of your time…”
Instead of just twiddling our thumbs while we wait, we should actively use the time we’ve been given. If you’re waiting for a pet, like Kayla, you can research the animal you’re hoping to get. If you’re looking forward to your birthday, you can spend time helping others or memorizing Scripture passages. The important thing is that we use our time glorifying God, and not just serving ourselves. Time really seems to pass more quickly when we’re busy, but we should be sure that we’re doing something to serve God and not something to just pass the time.

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