Monday, April 11, 2011


In many movies, there is a side plot in which a man and woman seem to be just perfect for each other.  During the entire movie, everyone watching is just waiting for the couple to decide the obvious.  But until then, there are moments where the couple is together and they don't know what to say.  As they are obviously uncomfortable and begin searching for the right words, the viewers notice their discomfort.  This is when my brother likes to yell, "Awkward!"

There is a verse in the Bible that, when I read it, I find myself thinking, "Awkward!"  It happens in 1 Kings.  Israel, the nation loved by God, the nation that had seen the miracles and heard the voice from heaven, had once again turned away from the God who had blessed them so abundantly.  Under bad leadership, the Israelite people fell away and followed their hearts - and the neighbors' gods.  Soon the prophet Elijah appeared on the scene and proposed that all prophets (whether good prophets or false prophets) gather together at Mount Carmel.

Here we reach the climax.  Beginning his call for the Israelites to return to God, Elijah faced the Israelites.  We read, "And Elijah came near to all the people and said, "How long will you go limping between two different opinions? If the LORD is God, follow him; but if Baal, then follow him." And the people did not answer him a word" (1 Kings 18:21).  Imagine the deafening silence.  The people "did not answer him a word" as Elijah talked about their sin.  There was no repentance or returning to the one true God.  There was no adamant defense of the lie they had chosen in place of the Truth.  There was only silence.  What was going through their minds?  It must have been very awkward.

It can be awkward when our sin is confronted.  While reading the Bible, God might show us some areas we don't want to change.  He might show us where we limp between God's Truth and the pull of other things - be it popular opinion, entertainment, or anything else we put before Christ.  It can be awkward, yes, but God doesn't call us to a comfortable life.

Elijah proposed a test to the undecided Israelites.  They decided to offer sacrifices and see which God responded to their efforts and devotion.  What follows is a humorous yet incredible account and a breathtaking display of God's awesome power and involvement in our lives.  As expected, the false god lost, just like our petty priorities will never be able to stand before God's magnificent power.  God turned the hearts of Israel back to Him.  Oh, that He will keep our hearts true to Him.

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