Saturday, December 18, 2010

Part of Something Big

Hallie squirmed in her seat.  "It's so hard to wait," she whispered to her friend Larissa, who grinned back in understanding.  Finally, Mrs. Lewis started the announcements.

"For the church Christmas play we need thirteen actors," Mrs. Lewis began.  

"Oooh," Hallie almost giggled in anticipation.

"The part of the lead character, Hannah Scott, goes to Hallie Stevenson, while the part of Jimmy Peters goes to..."

That was all Hallie heard.  "I got the part!" she whispered excitedly to Larissa.  

"Congratulations!" Larissa shared her excitement.

Hallie slowed down.  "I wish you could be in the play, too," she told Larissa.  

"Me? Acting?  No, thank you!  No stages for me," Larissa insisted.


"And, Mom, my part has almost twice as many lines as the next biggest part," Hallie bragged to her mother later that evening.  "Mrs. Lewis said that I would be perfect for the part since I can memorize so easily."

"Now, Hallie," Mrs. Stevenson reminded her daughter, "it's important to be humble when you are given an opportunity like this."

"But I don't understand, Mom - Mrs. Lewis did say that I did a great job on my audition," Hallie protested.

"Oh, humility doesn't mean downplaying the job you did.  To be humble means to put your performance - and everything else - in its proper place.  This Christmas play is to tell the Gospel to some who may have never heard it before.  If you're lost in thoughts of you and what people think of you, how are you spreading His joy?"  Hallie thought about what her mother was saying.  "And, besides, honey," Mrs. Stevenson continued, "your fellow actors may not appreciate having you around when you're always thinking and talking about how good your performance is.  How do you think that makes them feel?"  Hallie nodded as she remembered sensing other actors' frustration with her attitude.  "Hallie, this play is an opportunity for you to perform for God's glory, to be a part of something bigger than you.  Don't let yourself squander this opportunity on pride.  Be humble about what you are doing, and God will bless your efforts."


With her mother's words in mind, Hallie played her part with everything within her, and the audience loved it.  "Great job, Hallie," one of the other actresses complimented her.

"You did great, too, Megan!" Hallie responded.

"That was wonderful, Hallie!" Mrs. Lewis hurried to praise the star actress.  "I'm so proud of you!"

"Thank you, Mrs. Lewis - I enjoyed being a part of God's work."


"Good job, honey!" Mrs. Stevenson hugged Hallie when she joined her family later.
"You were right, Mom," Hallie said.  "Once I stopped thinking so much about myself, it seemed to be a lot more fun for everyone.  I even have a couple new friends!"

"That's great," Mrs. Stevenson smiled.  "We'll always be glad we live the way God tells us to.  I'm so proud of you!"

"Not proud, Mom," Hallie grinned.  "Humble."

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