Rachel smiled at herself in the mirror as she got ready for Sunday morning church. I love the way my new necklace complements this dress, she thought. I wonder if anyone at church will notice? Maybe they’ll see the way the flowers on my dress bring out the blue in my eyes.
At church that morning, Rachel’s smile was as big as the sun as she basked in other’s compliments. “I love your beautiful dress,” someone would say. “Oh, where did you get that necklace?” another asked. Rachel’s favorite compliment came from Mrs. Hampton, who observed, “The blue in that dress just perfectly matches your gorgeous eyes.” Rachel didn’t really try to draw attention to herself, but others’ opinions of her was her consuming interest and the subject of her thoughts at church that day.
“Good morning, Rachel! It’s good to see you this morning.”
Rachel turned to see who had greeted her, expecting another flattering compliment. “Oh, hi, Chloe,” she answered dryly when she saw who had said her name. Rachel didn’t talk to Chloe much. She was a nice girl, but not exactly…fashionable.
Later that day, Rachel was telling her mom all the compliments she had received. “And then Mrs. Hampton commented on how my eyes match this dress so well,” she excitedly told her mother. Just as Rachel was about to elaborate on Mrs. Hampton’s comment, Rachel’s mom interrupted her.
“Did you see how beautiful Chloe was today?” her mom asked.
“Um, Chloe?” Rachel was confused at the sudden change in topic.
“Yeah – she was glowing. Everyone noticed it.”
“What was she wearing?”
“Chloe was wearing a beautiful smile. She was clothed with kindness and humility (Col. 3:12). She talked with anyone who was down or lonely, and helped Mrs. Hampton to her car,” Rachel’s mom paused before she thoughtfully finished, “Chloe had a worshipful spirit at church this morning.” Rachel didn’t know what to say. Her mom smiled knowingly at her. “Rachel, honey, outward beauty comes and goes – it really doesn’t matter. True beauty is from the heart and shows itself in the way we act. Some people think that outward beauty is all that matters, but don’t be fooled: The truly beautiful people are the wholehearted servants of God.”
Rachel had a lot to think about as she went to sleep that night. She thought about the verse she had found when she looked up the word “beauty” in the concordance. “Charm is deceptive, and beauty does not last; but a woman who fears the Lord will be greatly praised” (Proverbs 31:30, NLT). Maybe I’ll get up early and read my Bible before breakfast, she decided.
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