The Bible is God’s revelation of Himself to us. I don’t think we realize how incredible that is. Imagine! The God of the universe, who spoke everything into existence, who rules all of history and future, chose to give those He created a revelation of Himself. No wonder the Bible is the bestselling book of all time – it is the only book whose Author is God Himself. In the Bible, God, our Creator, tells us why He created us and how we should live. The Bible chronicles the history of God working in the lives of men and mankind in general; from creation to the fall to the cross to eternity – we know the whole story, because God wrote it down for us. No other book is written by God. No other book is so necessary for man to read and take to heart.

We’ve heard so often that God wrote the Bible for us and to us, that I think sometimes we don’t think twice about it. We speed right past thinking about the Bible to thinking about day to day things. What would you think if I told you that I had never spoken with my best friend? You probably wouldn’t believe me. How can you be friends with someone whom you’ve never communicated with? While we may never hear the audible voice of God, we will always find just what we need in the conversation He has already had with us, in the Bible. Only through reading what God has written to us will we know God. Knowing God is one of the greatest joys and purposes of life. Again, consider the greatness of what God has given us: we have the privilege of knowing the words of God! Knowing God changes us. Those who know God know the peace, joy, and love He provides. They know their purpose in life. Those who know God are the most blessed people on earth. Reading the Bible also changes your life. No one can come into contact with God through His Word and walk away the same. As Hebrews 4:12 says, “the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.” If we truly take to heart what we read in the Bible, our lives will show it. By spending time in personal study of God’s Word, we will begin to reflect Christ in our lives – showing others the joy that we have through knowing God.
We aren’t the only ones who will benefit from our time reading the Bible. As we act, speak, and live like Christ, putting into practice what we have learned and discovered while studying the Bible, everyone around us will be affected. Those who don’t know Christ will begin to question why you seem so different (a good kind of different!). Those who do know Christ will be challenged to live like you do. Additionally, reading the Bible gives us wisdom in how to respond to those who are not Christians. When an unbeliever asks us a question about God or the Bible, we will either already know the answer or be able to confidently search for it. Think of how many people you come into contact with daily: your family, friends, neighbors, teachers… Think of how God could use you to make a difference in their lives! God can use anyone in His service, but He most often chooses those who have prepared themselves to serve Him. Reading the Word He has given us prepares us for affecting the culture around us. So many people could benefit from the time we give to God in reading His Word.
The Bible is a book that was written by God Himself. The only One who was there before the time began told us how the world came about, and how evil entered it. The only One who commands history wrote down the accounts of the Israelites, the Jews, and the birth, ministry, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The only One who gave His Son for us told us how to receive that gift. The only One who determines good and evil told us personally how to live a life that pleases Him. All of this is found in the Bible. The Bible is more than a book. It is even more than a bestseller. The Bible is God communicating with mankind – it is our way to know God and meet with Him. Think about it – God wrote down a whole book for us! It teaches us why we’re here and what to live for. The Bible tells us how to gain eternal life and how to live our earthly life so it will count. The Bible is no ordinary book. How can we put it down?
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